Tender Information

Tender No. - 133
Tender Date - 25-06-2024
Tender Title - Tender Invitation Form for Interior & Allied Works at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT) at Symbiosis Nagpur Campus
Tender Subject - Interior & Allied Works
Short Description - Civil, Furniture, False ceiling, ceiling & wall finishes etc. for SIT
Project - SIT, Nagpur Campus
Location - Nagpur
Category - Interior
Last date submission - 05-07-2024
Tender Details -

1 Tender Date =  25.06.2024                                              

2 Tender Sale Date = 26/06/2024 to 28/06/ 2024 by 04.00 pm.

3 Last date submission =05/07/2024 by 03.00 pm.

4 Tender Title = Tender Invitation Form for Interior & Allied Works at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT) at Symbiosis Nagpur Campus

5 Tender Subject = Interior & Allied Works

6 Short Description = Civil, Furniture, False ceiling, ceiling & wall finishes etc. for SIT  

8 Project = SIT, Nagpur Campus.

9 Location =  Nagpur

10 Category = Interior Work.

11 Tender Details = Attached.

13 Tender purchase cost = NA

14. Approx Tender Cost = 70 Lakhs  

15.  EMD Amt.= NA

  • Reputed contractors / firms of long standing having similar work executed of 80% of the estimated cost in a single work in last 3 years are eligible to participate in the bid.
Date for opening bids - -
Documents to be uploaded -